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Web Tool API

Uploading Data

There are two ways to upload data into dms-viz. You can either upload a local specification file from your computer, or you can provide a link to a remote specification file hosted somewhere like GitHub. You'll find the options for uploading data under the Upload Data section of the side menu.


To upload a local file, you simply click on the Upload Data section and choose a file from your machine.

Local Upload


Alternatively, if your raw .json file is hosted somewhere online – like on GitHub, for example – you can provide the link to this file by clicking on the Remote button under the Upload Data section.

Remote Upload

You can try it yourself by pasting the following link into the URL text box:


This approach has some advantages. For example, after providing a link to your data, this link is saved in the URL, allowing you to share a view of dms-viz with the data pre-loaded and ready to view. Also, this approach allows you to provide a markdown description (also hosted remotely) of the datasets.

Providing A Description

If you've uploaded data that's stored on a server like GitHub by following the Remote instructions, you can optionally provide a link to a markdown (.md) file that will be displayed below the main visualization in a collapsible container.

Markdown Description

Just like the remote .json specification, the link to the markdown is saved in the URL path and the description will load automatically when someone accesses the updated URL.

Chart Configuration

dms-viz provides a handful of ways to navigate and customize the visualization. You can find these options under the Chart Options tab in the side menu.

Chart Options
  • Dataset

    Although configure-dms-viz will return only a single .json specification, it is possible to combine multiple .json specifications in a single file to visualize. If there are multiple datasets in the .json file, you can navigate between these using the Dataset dropdown menu. The name that appears in the dropdown for each dataset depends on the --name flag.

    Additionally, next to the Dataset dropdown menu there is an information icon ⓘ. By clicking on this icon, a short description of the dataset appears above the top plot. The description can be specified using the --description flag.

  • Condition

    If your input data has multiple measurements for each mutation/site combination that are distinguished by some condition (specified by the --condition flag), an interactive legend appears under Chart Options.

    Although the default label that appears above the legend is Condition, you can specify the label using the --condition_name flag.

  • Summary Metric

    Use the Summary Metric dropdown menu to choose how to summarize the metric across every mutation at each site. Choose between the mean, min, max, and sum. The resulting summary is displayed in the line plot and on the protein structure.

  • Floor

    Use the Floor checkbox to choose whether the data should be floored at 0.

  • Display Mutation Count

    Use the Display Mutation Count checkbox to replace the summary plot above the line plot with a density plot showing the number of mutations that have been sampled at each site. For example, if four mutants have been observed at site 10 in the protein (A, T, Q, and M), the height at that site will be four.

Protein Configuration

dms-viz provides a handful of ways to navigate and customize the 3D protein structure. You can find these options under the Protein Configuration tab in the side menu.

Protein Options

There are four components of the protein structure whose appearances can be controlled separately. For each of these separate components, you can alter the color, representation, and opacity.

ProteinAll 'polymer' chains in the protein structure that have corresponding data (included in the --included-chains flag).
SelectionThe residues in Protein that have been selected by the user.
PeripheralThe chains that are aren't excluded (by the --exclude-chains flag) but don't have corresponding data (aren't included in the --included-chainss).
LigandIf Show Ligands is checked, the ligands (i.e. glycans, small molecules, etc...) in the structure.

For each of these separate components, there are options to change the following:

  • Representation

    How the structure is represented (i.e. surface, ball and stick, etc...).

  • Color

    The color of the molecules. All of the molecules for a given component will be the same color, however, ligands can be colored by element.

  • Opacity

    The opacity of the component. This can help illustrate the molecular structure with the metric superimposed on the surface of the protein.


There are a multitude of ways to interact with dms-viz. Below, you'll find some examples of what this interaction can look like.


You can zoom in and out of regions of your data by brushing (click and drag) over the area plot.

You can mouse over sites on the line/point and mutations on the heatmap to see details in a pop-up tooltip and you can select sites to see in the heatmap by clicking on points in the line/point plot.

You can select sites on the protein structure by brushing (click and drag) over points in the line/point plot.

To deselect sites, you can either double-click on the line/point plot or hold down the option key ⌥ and brush over the sites that you want to deselect.

If there is more than one condition in your data, an interactive legend will appear in the Chart Options You can select a condition to color the protein structure with by clicking on a condition in the legend.

Finally, you can remove or add conditions to the line/point plot by holding down the option key ⌥ while clicking.


You can reorient and zoom into the protein structure by clicking and dragging it around the window. You can also reset the protein structure to its original orientation by pressing the R button on your keyboard.


The visualizations that you create with dms-viz can be shared with collaborators and in manuscripts. There are three ways to go about this:

1. Share the .json file

You can simply share the .json specifications that you create with configure-dms-viz.

2. Share static images

If you're only interested in a particular plot or protein, you can save and download .png images. Under the Download Session tab in the side menu, you'll see buttons to download an image of both the plot and the protein.

Download Options

If your data is hosted on a remote server like GitHub, you can copy the link from your session. This link keeps track of your data, an optional description, and all of the configuration options that you've selected.